
Behavior Therapy Normalizes Brains of Autistic ChildrenMore

26.10.2012TIME Healthland Logo

Bhariya Vigyan Sammelan and Expo 2012 Punjab, India

Science for Global Development - THE PUNJAB EXPERIENCE, a report of a visit, focused on environmental and people's health.More


Sri Lanka kidney disease blamed on farm chemicals

Thousands of people in the Asian island nation of Sri Lanka have been struck by a mysterious and deadly form of kidney disease. A new study points to a likely cause - pesticides and fertilisers.More


Mammograms May Raise Breast Cancer Risk in Some Women

Mammograms aimed at finding breast cancer might actually raise the chances of developing it in young women whose genes put them at higher risk for the disease, a study by leading European cancer agencies suggests. Read more:...More

08.09.2012Logo TIME Healthland

A rare form of autism may be treated with nutritional supplements

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have identified a rare, hereditary form of autism that may be treatable with nutritional supplements, a new study reports.More


Newsletter September 2012

Workshops, Metals in Saliva & Alzheimer, Amyloid Proteins and ZincMore


Toxic Chemicals in Kids’ School Supplies

A recent report released by the advocacy group Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ) says high levels of toxic chemicals called phthalates, some of which were banned in children’s toys in 2008, are present in...More

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