New Newsletter N° 8 - June 2014 Now Online

Topics: Laboratory News, Arsenic - Poison from below the Ground, Single Element Testing, Aluminum in Deodorants, Chelating Agents and the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), DMPS Capsules Heyl, The DTPAs - Facts provided by the CDC and...[more]

24.06.2014MTM News Icon

International Toxicity Conference - Life in a Toxic World

September 19-21, 2014 - Melbourne, Australia - For Doctors to treat toxic patients in a toxic world [more]


e-book Gentle Detox - The Natural Detoxification Program - Coming Soon

Nutrients such as antioxidants and amino acids have the ability to detoxify an overburdened system. This booklet helps you understand environmentally-caused symptoms, it helps you select useful diagnostic tests and provides...[more]

25.05.2014e-book Gentle Detox - The Natural Detoxificaion Program - Cover Image

Grown in China: 'arsenic rice'

Soil in China's leading rice-producing region shows high levels of heavy metal contamination, in a study that suggests that the proximity of mining and industry to agricultural areas is posing serious threats. Researchers for...[more]

01.05.2014paddy field

Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity

Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments, affect millions of children worldwide, and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency.[more]


'Autism rates soar 30% in 2 years,' CDC say

The number of US children with autism spectrum disorder has soared approximately 30% in the past 2 years, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [more]

09.04.2014MNT Logo

German version of eBook about Allergies and Food Addictions - NO MORE as of now available

A Self-Help Book for Allergy Sufferers, and all those who want to feel better, physically and psychologically[more]

04.04.2014Cover German eBook: Allergien & Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten
Displaying results 99 to 105 out of 179