CHILDREN whose pregnant mothers take the antiepileptic drug sodium valproate are at significantly increased risk of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, according to a newly published report.
New research studies have found that consuming lithium-contaminated tap water during pregnancy could be associated with an increased risk of newborn autism development. As lithium levels increased, so did the risk of an autism diagnosis. Compared to the lowest quartile of recorded lithium levels – in other words, those in the 25th percentile – lithium levels in the second and third quartiles were associated with a 24-26% higher risk of an autism diagnosis. Additionally, studies have found a moderately higher risk of autism spectrum disorder in children born to pregnant people exposed to tap water with higher levels of lithium.
Water analysis as offered by Micro Trace Minerals seems warranted during and after pregnancy.
Some countries have high lithium reserves . To find out more about your country's lithium production, check this site.
Heavy Metals and Trace Elements in Blood, Hair and Urine of Nigerian Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Since the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria is widely known for its petroleum industry and pollution, we aimed to evaluate if Nigerian children diagnosed with ASD carry a greater burden of toxic metals compared to healthy Nigerian children living in the same region. While the ASD group shows a higher metal concentration in blood and hair, combined with low blood zinc levels, we also determined an unusual metal burden in the healthy group but no zinc deficiency.
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Baby teeth from children with autism contain more toxic lead and less of the essential nutrients zinc and manganese, compared to teeth from children without autism, according to an innovative study funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health. The researchers studied twins to control genetic influences and focus on possible environmental contributors to the disease. The findings, published June 1 in the journal Nature Communications, suggest that differences in early-life exposure to metals, or more importantly how a child’s body processes them, may affect the risk of autism.
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Maedica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine is pleased to inform you that your article “Toxic Metals and Essential Elements in Hair and Severity of Symptoms among Children with Autism” has been published in the journal’s first issue for this year, in electronic format.
The article is available at:
Heavy Metals and Trace Elements in Hair and Urine of Arab Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), published in Maedica, Journal of Clinical Medicine. Nov 2011
Maedica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine has been published:
“Efficacy of DMSA Therapy in a Sample of Arab Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder”
The article is available at:
Correction on page 218: reference range in table should be listed as < value (not >)
Children with autism are two to three times more likely than other children to have been exposed to car exhaust, smog, and other air pollutants during their earliest days, according to a new study.
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Pregnant women who live in smog-filled areas may be twice as likely to have children with autism, a new study suggests. Exposure to diesel particulates, lead, manganese, mercury, methylene chloride and other pollutants are known to affect brain function and have influence of the development of the baby.
The study was a long-term study starting 1989 at Brigham and Woman's Hospital, 116,430 nurses where involved.
The study involved 22,000 woman who had a child without the disorder and 325 who had an autistic child .
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Full story on MedlinePlus
The health risks of mercury exposure are well documented, and the harms for still-developing fetuses are particularly concerning. Now, the latest study finds that kids who were exposed to mercury in the womb were more likely to show problems with hyperactivity and other symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at age 8.
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A healthy gut bacteria should be the aim in the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases. Concerned parents and patients must still be made aware that microbiological testing of feces MUST be done in a local laboratory, testing must occur within 24hrs or else bacterial growth continues, leading to false high results, leading to inappropriate treatment (and medical costs).
Beat Autism Now - logically, effectively and inexpensively
Check out Booklet 1:
This first in a series by E.Blaurock-Busch, presents basic information and statistics about autism, explaining the detoxification pathway and what can be done, inexpensively and effectively.
The toxic metal uptake and release is regulated genetically. About 50% of the Western population is genetically affected, missing at least one important detoxification enzyme. Other important enzymes may be present, but not functioning due to an inadequate nutritional intake.
This booklet explains how we can evaluate and learn about our individual detoxification system. When we understand how (in)effectively our body copes with environmental toxins, we must support our body's inadequately functioning detoxification system- thus preventing or improving environmentally-caused ailments.
Older men are more likely than young ones to father a child who develops autism or schizophrenia, because of random mutations that become more numerous with advancing paternal age, scientists reported. The age of mothers had no bearing on the risk for these disorders, the study found. The overall risk to a man in his 40s or older is in the range of 2 percent, at most, and there are other contributing biological factors that are entirely unknown.
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have identified a rare, hereditary form of autism that may be treatable with nutritional supplements, a new study reports.
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Doctors have long believed that autistic disorders last a lifetime, but a new study has found that some children who exhibit signature symptoms recover completely.
The study, posted online on Wednesday by the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, is the largest to date of such extraordinary cases and is likely to alter the way that scientists and parents think and talk about autism, experts said.
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comment from Dr. E.Blaurock-Busch PhD:
One possible reason: the cause of the problem is removed.
Let us assume a child was born with a heavy metal burden. It has a strong metabolism and its genetic detoxification system is functioning. If that child is shielded from additional exposure, its body can excrete more toxins than it takes in. Hence, the toxic burden will be reduced over time and brain function can improve to normal.
We do see a similar pattern with patients who have diminished natural detoxification abilities. When they receive detoxification treatments, they gradually improve.. It may take years to detoxify the body, but recuperation is possible.
Since research now indicates that 40% of Autism is caused by environmental toxins, we can logically assume that nearly 40% of the cases can be improved, if not reversed - after the cause of the problem is removed in a timely matter.
CHILDREN whose pregnant mothers take the antiepileptic drug sodium valproate are at significantly increased risk of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, according to a newly published report.
Children with Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) appear to be at risk for Zn deficiency, Cu toxicity, have often low Zn/Cu ratio, and often disturbed metallothionein (MT) system functioning. The evidence presented in this paper suggests that providing Zn to autistic children may be an important component of a treatment protocol, especially in children with Zn deficiency. It is important to monitor and follow the values for both Cu and Zn together during Zn therapy, because these two trace elements are both antagonists in function, and essential for living cells.
Artificially stimulating labor is associated with a slightly higher risk of autism, but researchers caution that the link may be complicated.
In a study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, women who needed to jump-start their labor or artificially speed up delivery were up to 23% more likely to have children diagnosed with autism than those who didn’t avail themselves of these methods.
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